Professional Development
of IT Solutions for Healthcare

Creation of Digital Services for the Medical Field

About Our Company

Web & software developers. We offer ready-made solutions and also carry out development using a flexible methodology.

Our solutions in the field of business analytics, predictive analytics, computer vision, high-load systems, and mobile development provide a competitive advantage and guarantee the sustainable development of clients.

The TEMKA TEAM will accompany you throughout the entire journey from the birth of an idea to commercial success.

years in the development
employees in company

Choose Your Services

Our Experience


→ Web Development
→ Mobile Development
→ Machine Learning (ML)
→ Video Analytics
→ DevOps/CloudOps

Always in Touch


→ WEB Design
→ UX/UI Analytics
→ Branding of Digital Products
→ Design Support

Our Values

Custom Solutions

→ MVP Development
→ ChatGPT Integrations
→ ProductDev
→ API Integrations
→ IT Audit & Consulting

The Success Stories Behind the Results

Mobile App for Heart Rate Monitoring for
Professional Athletes

Quickly cultivate optimal processes and tactical architectures. Completely iterate covalent strategic theme areas via accurate e-markets.

A Web Portal for Booking Consultations Based on
Uploaded Data

Energistically scale future-proof core competencies. Credibly innovate granular internal or “organic” sources whereas high standards in web-readiness.

Mobile App for In Vitro Fertilization
Process Control

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy and the overall value proposition.

Our Partnership for Success

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